Reviving Old Shows \ Minimalism \ Cats

Loving the revival of old shows

Boy Meets World→Girl Meets World: The same Corey and Topanga in the sequel and their adorable daughter

Sex and the City←The Carrie Diaries: Watched two episodes of the Carrie Diaries on Hulu and not bad. And you don’t need to be a SATC fan to keep up with the new series

Abundant Closet VS Minimalist

I went through a phase of simplicity. I was traveling and interning abroad for 6 months. I wore the same 4-5 tops and 3-4 bottoms repeatedly. I enjoyed spending my earnings more on getting around and food rather than shopping. I also didn’t want to have an overweight luggage so enjoying perishable goods was my preference. When I came back to the U.S., some force of minimalism came over me and my first goal back was to clear out my room and closet. It’s been 7 months ever since and there are days that I can say, “I have nothing to wear”, and this time, it’s TRUE. I hold back from shopping because (A) I’m a student (B) Stay Minimal. Also trying to abide by Thou shalt not go on any major shopping spree without dropping things off at Goodwill. Recycle before Buying.

The Internet made cats more popular

When my teacher asked my fourth grade class to raise your hand if you are a cat lover, I clearly remember it being only me and one other girl. Now all of a sudden, cats have taken over the internet and sweaters. Forever21 has Hello Kitty and cat tees.

{Revolve Clothing Brian Lichtenberg} personal fave

{Anderson Backstage Blog}